Page 9 - RiseUpWarrior
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Chapter 2 8 stomach turned into cement. The children I had worked it’s crazy and arrogant to go for it, but really, why not? with had not stayed with the Lord. Not one. Didn’t God ask us to strive for the things in heaven? What had gone wrong? “Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will I’m sure you already know this, but we are currently at war against the powers of darkness. Jesus Christ is reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.” our commander, and has a full army of people; one that crosses the globe, speaking every language on the Ephesians 6:7-8 planet. “For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each God has an air force, marines, navy and infantry army. He has everything any earthy military would, and is in person according to what they have done.” Mathew 16:27 the middle of a full-on war with the enemy. Only He is fghting for each life on this planet. And God wants you To be honest, I have no idea how far I have yet to go to and I to participate in the area of service we are given, become a General. But I do know there is more beyond and fght like our lives depend on it. where I am, and I will continue to press into God and I will continue to learn and grow. Obviously, I cannot Because many lives DO depend on it. share with you details on what I do not know, but God The largest battle I believe we are fghting is for the has asked me to write down the experiences and lessons next generation; our children. And sadly, the enemy is I have learned. winning. How could I say such a thing? Because, I’m tired of all God wants you and I to the pretending. Just look around. The TV is screaming the enemies’ values at our children, as well as the video participate in the area games, and the messages they receive in school. They receive hours and hours of brainwashing every day, of service we are given, compared to the couple of hours we get at church on Sunday. I see many churches where the children are not and fght like our lives choosing to follow Christ. They hang around in youth group because it is fun, but then they quit attending depend on it. Because church when it becomes their own decision. many lives DO depend Barna Group is a large company that researches many things for the body of Christ, and their studies show that on it. a child has made up his mind on what he believes by the time he is 12! I appreciate that Barna has done this Children’s ministry isn’t an easy one and defnitely isn’t study, but I can confrm it with real life. It is easy to see for the weak. Children’s ministry needs some serious that if you don’t train your child before they reach 12, it GENERALS out there, and you could be one of them. becomes very diffcult to change their mind. Let me better explain the problem. You and I as the Body of Christ, and especially those of us working in children’s ministry, from every denomi- I held a huge fsh in my hand, and thanked the cute little nation and from every country of the world, MUST step girl for her gift. I had no idea what to do with the fsh, up and fght for our children. We are on the front line of so I tried climbing into the back of the suburban to lay a major battle. It’s time we admitted it, and did some- it down back there, but as I was on the way up, I lost thing about it. my balance and fell back down. All the way to the sand, landing on my back, with one arm stretched as high into It’s time we made some generals for God’s army. Not the air as I could, with this huge fsh dangling on it! to mention frst Sergeants, Sergeant majors, corporals, majors, and specialists. There are way too many privates We were having an outreach in a small beach town, and running around following orders from other privates. my older sister and I were doing the children’s ministry while my dad ran the outreach for the adults. We sang I believe that God is looking for more 5-star generals in songs with a group of 25 kids, passed out a craft and His army right now, and I would like to be one. I know tried in our broken Spanish to tell them a Bible story. At
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