Page 14 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 14
13 Chapter 4 God cares A LOT about this inner ladder that I’m talk- don’t take them back. This means that GOD actually ing about, and there are more verses ALL over the Bible gets to make ALL the decisions in your life. to prove it. To be honest with you, I don’t think the Christian life “If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, was meant to be lived any other way. costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be But as I mentioned in chapter 1, Christians all around shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to us do. light. It will be revealed with fre, and the fre will test the quality of each person’s work. If what has been I see thousands of Christians all around the globe living built survives, the builder will receive a reward. If it is for the world’s fame, or to climb the denominational burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be ladder, all the while allowing their inner selves to re- saved—even though only as one escaping through the main as childish as babies. I don’t get it. Do they actu- fames.” 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 ally think they can fake-out God Himself? This is the ladder that we want to teach our children to The reality is that we need people in all levels, includ- climb. It is nothing like the political mess that some- ing all the steps on the ladder. The best way to do that is times gets into our churches. It nothing like where we if we ALL start climbing. climb from children’s worker to youth worker, and f- 1. You and I need to BE climbing at all times. Be nally to senior pastor. an example to the children in your ministry. Your ac- Only there is a catch. Unlike the world’s ladder and tions speak louder than your words. even the church’s ladder, with God’s inner ladder, you 2. Get honest with your students. Show them the can’t skip anything. There is no trap door from step 1 to two ladders, and help them understand which one is the step 8. There are no good get-rich-quick schemes that right one to climb. work for climbing God’s ladder. Like Gorden Gekko in the Wall Street movies, who used insider trading to 3. Train the children in our ministries how to climb the world’s ladder faster. If you try to skip ahead climb. In most cases, they are not going to fgure it out in the spiritual world, you will always get caught in the on their own. YOU are the teacher, make sure you are end and fnd yourself with mud on your face. It’s a slow not having them memorize things and LIVE nothing. process and one that will take years. This is one reason Let’s you and I work together to get children on the why it’s so very important to get started with children RIGHT ladder, starting when they are young, so that while they are young! It’s very important to get the ball we have a bunch of trained soldiers for God when He rolling early. And on the right ladder! needs them! OK, here is some plain truth for you: It’s very important to climb the ladder, only we need to Almost everyone is climbing the wrong ladder. make sure we are on the right ladder frst! Then we can grow from cadets to soldiers or from sergeants to ma- They are either climbing the world’s ladder to money, jors. We can be used by God to make a real difference fame and fortune; or the Christian ladder to money, in the lives of children around the world. fame and fortune. I would like to open your eyes to GOD’s ladder to To be honest with you, I money, fame, and fortune! (In eternity of course; the delayed payment plan.) don’t think the Christian God’s ladder is all about Godly character, obedience, life was meant to be faith, honesty, and learning to serve Him fully. God’s ladder is where you give Him the reins to your life, and lived any other way.
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