Page 15 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 15
5 Basic Decisions Ok, let’s dive into the grit of the steps on the ladder. You The frst decision I know, the “inner ladder”. There are a few basic decisions that need to be made made early in life was frst if you are going to go thru these steps and climb the right ladder to becoming a General in God’s army. to NEVER ever, ever, Here is my list of VERY important initial basic deci- EVER say NO to God. sions; IF that is, you are going to be a “moving car.” I don’t need to know why or how. I just need to obey. Get saved If you have not made that decision yet, I highly recom- mend you stop reading and do that right now. To start in God’s army, you must frst be saved. Just because your parents are pastors, or because you have gone to church for a long time does not make you a Get into the Bible Christian. You will never be a part of this war until you I am grateful to my parents for my upbringing, where frst join the army. You must go to God directly your- they had me reading the Bible and memorizing verses. self, repent of your sins, and invite Him into your heart. But there are also a few other things I did that caused Jesus says that ALL who call on Him will be saved. me to have hundreds of verses memorized. Teachers, at this frst step of the ladder, we should just The frst was camp. I wanted to go so badly, but my take a moment and have our students ask God if He parents couldn’t afford it. My church had a program of knows them personally, or if they have been riding on only 1 or 2 scholarships to camp, and to win that schol- the shirt-tails of their parents their whole life. It’s very arship, I had to memorize a ton of verses. I remember important, so take the time to make sure your students every week quoting verses, and my teacher listening are children of God; actual Christians. to make sure I got them correct before she marked it down in her booklet. I made it to camp on a scholar- Obedience ship 5 whole years straight, basically by memorizing the Bible. Thank you “First Congregational Church” Just like in any army around the world, the frst thing of Scappoose, Oregon and my teacher Hazel Grubb for that they train after a cadet signs up is obedience. And sending me to camp, and for causing me to memorize what they are looking for, of course, is absolute obedi- the Bible! ence. Don’t ask or complain about your orders, just do them. Just say, “Yes Sir!” When I was 14 I went on a mission’s trip with Teen Missions International to Hong Kong and China. They The frst decision I made early in life was to NEVER had a 2-week boot camp where we had to memorize ever, ever, EVER say NO to God. When He asks some- a verse a day, and we were responsible to quote it by thing of me, there are times I struggle, but it always boils the end of the day. Throughout the whole summer long down to a decision I made a long time ago to NEVER we had verses to memorize, and this added to my Bible say NO to God. It really is just sheer, painful obedience. memorization. 14
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