Page 18 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 18
17 Chapter 6 obedient to Him. If you are going to actually stay on ladder. You need to know how to repent of your sins, this ladder, it’s of the utmost importance that you marry and a little initiative won’t hurt you either. right, and that you marry someone who is also on this Welcome to the boot camp of basic decisions. 6 Life class 101 My sophomore and junior year of high school, I worked themselves. at a fast food restaurant, where I learned some basic One guy that my husband and I know is always out of skills. When I started, I was a sheepish 15-year old who work. He applies for one job, and then waits a whole had no confdence, and spoke with a small voice. When month until he receives a rejection letter. Then he starts I fnished that season of my life two years later, I left out to apply for another. It’s as though he didn’t have as a 17-year-old shift manager who was confdent and a mother who taught him to apply for six jobs to see if bold. one of them will work. He also applies for jobs that are I am going to call this class “life 101”. It included stuff way beyond him. Once he applied for a job at the CIA! like how to obey your manager; how to treat someone (For example, to apply to be a professional spy for your like they are right, even if they are wrong. I learned country.) There was no chance at all he would get that other things like how to respond to an angry person or job, at least from my point of view. But he waited until how not to tattle on others. There were lots more basic he got his rejection letter. Somehow he missed some of skills like how to listen to your authority and not act the “Life class 101”. like you know everything, and how to take correction So, when my sister, Suki, was 16 and needed a job, I without crying or yelling. And one of my favorites: how recommended McDonalds. She worked there for 4 to fnd something to do to help the restaurant when the years, and I received fack from everyone for encourag- work was slow, without having to be told. ing her to stay there. She had skills in computers and in As a manager I learned how to see people’s strong websites and she could be making more money some- points and place them in the right place during a busy where else. rush, and how to catch sneaky people red handed. I stuck to my guns that life isn’t about money, and fast This part of Gods training for me reminds me of the food was the best way to learn some very important life book “Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kinder- lessons that I could see Suki needed to learn. garten” but for me, it was “Everything I need to know I Learning how to treat people is part of learning how to learned working in fast food.” LOVE them. You really can’t skip these lessons if you Sadly, I see adults all the time that somehow missed are going to be a general in Gods army. He doesn’t need these lessons. I see adults who yell at a waitress for someone who took 3 courses in faith, but has no idea something the chef got wrong. There are people trying how to actually drive a car. These are so basic to life, to help at church, but have no idea how to fnd a job for and yet so many people don’t bother with them.
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