Page 23 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 23
Chapter 9 22 by the skin of my teeth. jumps out at me, like it was shouting at me! So, the year went on, and you guessed it; God made sure From Psalm 15: that I was invited to every single function the school “Blessed is the man who swears to God and keeps his had. It was crazy-hard to turn everything down, time promise, even at his own hurt”. after time. God comforted me so strongly, and I absolutely knew it Then that spring I ended up with a boyfriend from my was His voice telling me that I had made it. I had passed church. We sang on the worship team together. He was the test. Of course by the skin of my teeth for having one year ahead of me, so he had already graduated High gone to the dinner for a little while, but still, I made it. I school, or “la prepa” here in Mexico. passed, and I could feel God smiling down on me, and When the time approached for the fnal dance of the telling me specifcally that I would be blessed for my year, the big one, the PROM, my boyfriend wanted to actions. go. He had not been able to go to the prom the year I quickly ran to my parent’s room and showed them the before, his senior year, so this was his chance to change verse! I expected them to know what it stood for, what it history. He pushed me pretty hard to take him to my meant, and how special it was. They looked at me with prom. blank eyes. Now for those of you in Latin America, who do not This was the frst time I realized that when God gives have Proms like we do in the USA, you are just going to you a Rhema, it is for YOU, and no one else is going to have to think of another example that would hurt really understand what in the world you are talking about. bad to have missed. My best guess for a similar thing would be the Quinceñera event. Since we do not have I was incredulous... and showed them several times the those in the states, the prom is the closest thing. We get verse, but they still couldn’t understand. So I had to all dressed up, we take special photos of the day, and all spell it out for them, how I had made a commitment to the Christians participate along with the non-Christians, only we don’t have beer at the party, and we are careful This was the frst time not to sin. It’s like a coming out party: a Quinceñera party. I realized that when So there I was, once again with the strongest tempta- tion I had ever had in my life (up to date). My own God gives you a Rhema, hopes and dreams of the prom weighed on me, as well as that of my boyfriends’. I tried every excuse there was it is for YOU, and no known to mankind. But, I held my ground to stay true to what I had committed to God. one else is going to The actual night of the prom, the weight on me was heavy and the temptation overbearing. All I could do understand what in the was cry. I had a group of friends, good friends, who world you are talking were renting a limo together, and having dinner togeth- er at our favorite teacher’s house before going to the event. I wanted to at least go to the dinner with them, so about. I came up with some reason why the dinner would be different and ok to attend. not participate in social activities my whole senior year, and that very night had fnished the years’ worth of ac- Off I ran to the dinner, and arrived before everyone, and tivities. I had passed the test! At last they understood. started helping my teacher with the preparations. Then, But it still wasn’t very special to them. out of the blue, I got sick with a fever. Of course my teacher noticed right away and sent me home quickly So I went back to my room, and felt God’s presence so before I got everyone sick. It was God protecting me strong, comforting me in my pain, and encouraging me and helping me succeed, I am going to guess. that it had been worth it. So there I was in my bedroom at home, crying and sick As the years went by, I got better and better at recogniz- with a fever, when I opened my Bible, and this verse ing God’s voice. If you are a “moving car” Christian
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