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27 Chapter 12 Then the Lord answered Job out of the storm. He I learned another lesson, and took another step up the said: ladder. God doesn’t need us, but He honors us when “Who is this that darkens my counsel with words He uses us. It is awesome to be a part of His plan, but without knowledge? I must watch to be humble by remembering that God Brace yourself like a man; doesn’t actually need me. I will question you, and you shall answer me. Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me if you understand. 12 Ask God to be used Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know?” Job 38:1-5 by Him Now that some basics have been covered, it’s time to At this point I was frightened, and felt like God was ask God to use you for His Kingdom, and to be able to giving me too much. So I struggled with Him, saying help Him with this war. that I would just like to help out for the time that God has given me here on earth, but that there is no need to This is where you ask Him to become a pastor, a mis- sionary, a pastor’s wife, an evangelist, a Christian coun- get generations involved. selor, or someone working full-time for Christ in one of I struggled and fought. I had a hard time believing it. many organizations that are available. You could start What if it’s my own pride talking to me? So there I lay, your own new ministry like my husband and I did. on the ground, unable to move. But, you must ask for it. So God said to me, “I will not let you get up until you accept what I am saying to you. You will be blessed and God is a gentleman, and will not force His will on any- one. This doesn’t mean that you will start your work. have an impact on generations.” It means GOD will start His work in you, because now It must have taken around an hour, but I fnally gave in you have offered yourself up to Him for further service. and said OK. You are God, and I am your servant. At Now He will start your training more in earnest. (As if that point, God asked me to keep it quiet for a while. the other lessons weren’t painful enough!) This happened when I was 18 years old. I had asked God to use me in full-time ministry, actually I begged When I was young, I begged God over and over if He would use me for His kingdom. I read biographies of Him over and over, and then one day He responded to great Christians, then would get on my knees and beg me with a great-big resounding YES! God to use me like He did those awesome men and I actually became a real missionary with my husband women of God. (not just a missionary’s daughter) on April 16th, 2005, at the age of 31. It took me 13 years to learn the lessons One day, God answered. I needed for the work God had called me to do. That I fell to the ground, and I couldn’t kneel any longer. I was just the day we drove off into the sunset as brand- was fat on my face, and the presence of God was so new missionaries. It was another few years before we strong on me, that I couldn’t even lift a fnger. As I lay learned the real project God wanted us to do; children’s there before God, He said to me, “Kristi, I will use you. ministry curriculum. I will use you to reach generations. In fact, because of you, many generations will be blessed.” I believe everyone must ask God to be used by Him, if that is what they desire. Ask for a calling, ask for a min-
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