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Chapter 16 32 have stayed in their room with them to save money. and then you just might fnd yourself wishing for the easy days when all the weight of the ministry was on I call this phase of training “picking up a broom”, but it can extend years. You may get real tired of setting up someone else. the sound equipment, or being the MC for a program, when you wish you were the speaker. It’s not your time You must WAIT until yet, you are in training. God opens the doors for You must WAIT until God opens the doors for your own ministry. No worries, the day will come soon enough, your own ministry. 16 Clearing out the dross There I was, yelling at the lady in the snack shop. “How You see, God had decided to clear out some dross in could you run out of diet coke?” I screamed! “You know my life. I buy one every day for lunch, and you know that we are This is an analogy that God used many times in the Bi- not allowed off campus!” She was shocked of course, ble. One example is in Proverbs 25:4 where He says, that I was totally losing my cool over my diet coke. “Remove the dross from the silver, and a silversmith I was a teacher in a Christian school in Monterrey, can produce a vessel.” Mexico. Students were all around me, some to buy from the snack shop, and some because I was creating quite In this case, you and I are the vessels, and God is the the commotion. I knew that I should be demonstrating silversmith, trying to remove the dross, or ugly parts good behavior to those students, but instead, I burst into from us. tears. Silver is mined from the earth, but it has many impuri- I had to have my afternoon caffeine. ties. So it gets thrown into a crucible, or a container made to heat it to very high temperatures. When the rock And so I just starting walking, and breaking the rules; melts, the dross will rise to the surface, where it can be I walked straight out the gate and out of the school. I removed. It has no value, and its presence in silver, only didn’t know how far the closest corner store was, but I makes the silver less valuable. The “Dross” is actually a was going to keep walking until I found a store with a mass of solid impurities foating on the liquid metal. It diet coke. is waste matter. (You know: the part where I was yelling Then later that night I found myself in a McDonalds, at people for not serving me like I wanted.) where the cute girl behind the counter messed up my For you and me to have greater value, or to climb this order something terrible. I yelled at her, as if I wasn’t inner ladder, just like silver, we must have the dross in embarrassed at all to lose my cool over a hamburger. I our lives removed. just couldn’t keep my frustration and anger down. This step can happen at any time in our lives, and can
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