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31 Chapter 15 it wouldn’t. the next night of evangelism! So, my dad had everyone squish into the one working They were so worried when we arrived at the last min- van to be able to get back to the hotel, and offered to ute that they were all standing outside of the hotel, ready stay the night there in the van or with our hosts in that to be picked up. Everyone broke out in a big cheer, and village. The plan was for him to take the van to get started loading into the van! They actually expected my repaired in the morning, and then back to the hotel in dad and me to stay in the van as they loaded up, and go time for the next day’s evangelism. In the morning, they dressed as we were! Trying to hide the tears from every- could take two trips to the construction site, since it was one, I asked for 5 minutes to change and ran up to my closer to the hotel. room. They wouldn’t give me time to fully shower, but at least I could rinse my legs and wear a different dress. As a good assistant to my dad, I had learned that I should not leave him there alone, but OH how I did NOT want Then off we went to the next outreach. to stay. I started asking around to fnd a volunteer to That time I passed my test; I served in the outreaches or stay with my dad for the night. No one would do it. as my dad’s assistant, however he needed. Now I had to do this quietly, because my dad would I remember one time though, when I really blew it. Years have just stayed by himself, and the trick was to make later we had a tour in Mexico with Gary Duckworth as him think that someone actually wanted to stay with our speaker on Children’s ministry, and I was translat- him. So there I was sneaking around the group, franti- ing and MC’ing the program. I had been married for a cally trying to fnd someone to stay with him. couple of years, and was not accustomed to living with my parents anymore. But since my Dwight was unable Sadly, no one would sacrifce, and I knew what I had to do. I put on a smile and with my best pretend chipper to make this trip, it was similar to a single lady, and I voice, went up to my dad and said “Hey, I’ll stay with was easier to place in the same hotel room with my par- you, no problem!” He bought my act, and soon I could ents. Everyday felt like a sacrifce, living with someone see everyone driving into the distance. else and following their rules. They are both morning people and I have always been an evening person. They The lovely Mexican hostess (of course) would not let us love coffee and visiting in the morning, right there in stay the night in the car, but brought us into her home the hotel. And well, I don’t like the smell of coffee, and for dinner and put us up to sleep in their beds. The hard I like to sleep in until the last minute, especially when I part was I couldn’t handle the food she gave me, since know the day is going to be long and hard. for some reason North Americans are not accustomed to “Menudo” or any form of intestines in their food. I One day we were driving the 6-hour journey from one have tried over the years to learn, but fnally gave up city to the next city for an event, and arrived at the hotel and resigned myself to being a “gringa”. Then for my late at night. My dad had reserved a room for our speak- sleeping arrangements, I was placed with their daughter er Gary all to himself and another room for the two in a small bed for us to share. I had to sleep in my dress gentlemen on his team, and a third room for the three since we had no change of clothes. of us. Right there in front of me, Gary turned down the personal room, and offered to stay with his guys. My In the morning I woke up wet, and it took me a while heart jumped. I wanted that room. I felt like I really to fgure out what had happened. The young girl had couldn’t take any more coffee and visiting every morn- wet the bed we were in, no doubt from either the fear ing when I needed to sleep. I was a married woman, and of the American sleeping with her, or just the change of by this time I had been serving my dad for 10 years, and sleeping with a stranger. The problem was I had to stay I felt like a real minister. You guessed it; I couldn’t push in that dress all day! down my pride, but spoke up right there, asking for the This is not the only time I have been urinated on in my room. Dad explained that we didn’t have to pay for it, “ministry clothes”. It has happened to me 3 times now, so it would really help the ministry fnances if we just but I won’t go into all of those stories. let the room go. I just burst into tears right there at the registration desk. Suffce it to say, it was a long, hot and miserable day. I had to follow my dad around to mechanic shops and It wasn’t a pretty sight. wait for hours in a dress that smelled. God gave us the So dad gave me the room. I call that NOT passing this miracle we needed though; we actually got the van run- test. You see, it doesn’t matter how many years God ning just in time to make it back to pick up the team for asks you to serve someone, you serve them. I should
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