Page 37 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 37
18 Getting married right I frmly believe that God chose exactly who I should training about not dating in time to save me from it, marry based on the ministry He was planning on giv- or I didn’t listen. I have heartbreak memories that go ing my husband and I for our life-work. He chose two down deep. I remember crying for weeks when my dad people who were willing to let God run their lives. He had me break-up with a great Christian Mexican guy. put us together, with a plan in mind, and we had no clue We were just way too young. Then I dated a guy on what we were getting into. the worship team in the states, but we were not a good match, and in my heart I knew it. He would have had a Currently, I write children’s ministry curriculum for Latin America and speak internationally, while my hus- rough time handling this crazy woman for a wife. Then band runs the ministry including a full print-shop. We I dated another guy who stood no chance whatsoever live and work as missionaries in Mexico. in me actually wanting to marry him. I have no idea why I dated him. I think I just enjoyed feeling loved by Dwight is the kind of man who is content working behind the scenes and is not threated by the fact that It’s like playing with fre he doesn’t go on stage with me. He has the business experience to run our ministry and print shop, and the and throwing your heart broad shoulders and the faith and character foundation to make the whole thing work. Without Dwight, there around just for the fun is NO doubt whatsoever; I would not be enjoying the ministry or the personal life I have today. of it, all the while sitting As I mentioned earlier, who you marry, in my opinion, is the second largest decision of your life, only after the at a gambling table with decision to get saved. It will change how and IF you get into ministry. your future ministry on the line. I believe in NOT dating at all and just remaining single until God puts you together with the man or woman you someone. At the time, my dad was living in Mexico and will marry. I think dating is totally crazy-stupid. It’s like I was living in the states with my uncle while I went to playing with fre and throwing your heart around just Bible College. When my dad came home for Christmas for the fun of it, all the while sitting at a gambling table and met the guy, I could feel his disapproval. with your future ministry on the line. Why do we gam- After a few days, I couldn’t handle my dad’s disapprov- ble away so quickly the best things God has for us? Ac- al anymore. I just said to him, “Dad, if you don’t like tually, dating and consequently marrying wrong could this guy, just tell me to break up with him, and I will do be similar to selling out your inheritance for a bowl of it.” He said to me, “Really? You would do it?” I said soup. Do you know anyone who was stupid enough to “Of course!” (As if I was the poster-child for obedience. do that? (Genesis 25:27-34) Ha ha ha) So, he just asked me to break up with the guy However, when I was growing up, I didn’t hear the right there on the spot. Oh man, that hurt. 36
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