Page 39 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 39
Chapter 18 38 had chosen godly character over ministry, it was hard to road when they are in a hurry, and no one is around to switch gears in my mind.) For another reason, he was see them do it. You want a person who treats their moth- 11 years older than me, and one of the “older guys” of er right. A person who can say hello to a handicapped our church. He was one of the “Bachelor til the rapture” person at church and take them out to lunch. A person types. I was one of the younger girls. How could I end who always says kind things to others. If you were to up with one of those older guys? ask anyone in the church, anyone at all, you want a per- son who EVERYONE would say nice things about. Now one of the things that everyone in the whole world and the whole body of Christ looks for in a mate is In case you are wondering what is wrong with choos- LOOKS. Is that person handsome or beautiful? In fact, I ing someone based on their awesome ministry, I’ll tell think the world has some sort of 1-10 system of labeling ya. I’ve heard of too many people who fall because of people. A person who is a #3 in looks has to aim low, a lack of foundation in godly character. One friend of and a #8 can maybe get a #9. If you see a rich man who mine was married to an awesome pastor, and then one is a #2 in looks with some hot babe who is a #9 on his day he left the church and ran away with the church arm, everyone automatically assumes that she married secretary! How many stories do you know personally him for his money. of people who fall into sin despite their awesome min- istry? I know that we all know people who fell, because I know that you know it is true, and exists in the church to the same degree as the world. I’ve seen it, so I don’t it happens all around the world. And when they fall, buy the lies anymore that people are looking for godly they lose it all. You would go down with them too, you character. Everyone is looking for good-looks and the know. cool-factor. Absolutely everyone. But if you choose someone with godly character, they WILL HAVE an awesome ministry, because they will Now that I am 40, and my husband is 51, we fully admit that we are both dorks and not the best-looking people on the planet. It’s rather freeing actually, because who It’s hard to know when gives a rip? When we get to heaven we will have new bodies and Dwight and I will both be #10s! But here on you have been looking earth, we don’t mind being dorks. We love each other to pieces, and take care of each other thru all sorts of for the wrong thing for a diffcult situations. I feel like Cinderella with the best marriage ever possible. very long time. But back when I was 26, I was trying my best to NOT be dorky and to look as beautiful as I could muster. have a foundation to work with. Only, there will be no It took me that whole month arguing with God over fear. I know pastor’s wives who pretend everything is whether Dwight was an example for me, or Dwight ok at church, but after church when they are at home, was actually the man for me. I had to struggle with the they are afraid of their husbands. change in my dreams, in turning around what I should I chose a man who had godly character but his minis- be looking for; instead of following everyone else down try was just serving, nothing spectacular. But today his the wrong path. ministry is impacting over a million children around the Then one day I won the fght and decided that God world. AND in addition, I have more fun after work in knows best. I made the decision for REAL to go for our awesome home life. There is no fear, EVER. Our godly character and not money, looks, cool factor, awe- love story really is better than the movies. some ministry, a fabulous stage presence or anything other than what God wants me to look for: godly char- Decision #2: Ask God to open your eyes to what re- acter. ally matters in eternity. Decide to choose your life- What does this look like? It’s hard to know when you mate based on their godly character; not their looks, have been looking for the wrong thing for a very long money, fame, or awesome ministry. time. This of course, works for both men and women. So, I just decided to go for Dwight Krauss. Why not? You need to be looking for a person who lives from the God pointed him out to me with a bright light coming inside out, all the basic principles of the Bible. A person down from heaven! Poor guy didn’t know what hit him who is kind to others, can help an old woman cross the
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