Page 36 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 36
35 Chapter 17 he was the tough kind of guy. When he couldn’t control But that day, he looked at me with red eyes and said, the sobbing, he slipped out the side door, and was gone “Honey, we must do MORE.” for over an hour. I knew that it was a “good cry” and The frst day back home from the retreat, we started that God was doing something in my husband’s heart, talking about what we could do. Since my parents had so I just left him alone. I stayed worshiping on stage. been missionaries in Mexico and I had served with The session ended, and I headed out to fnd him. them for over 13 years, Mexico came to mind. After His calling was different from any I had heard before. all, Dwight had a wife who spoke fuent Spanish. Why He didn’t say: “Honey, God just called me to be a mis- wouldn’t we go where we could use that skill? sionary.” He said: “Honey, I just repented to God for not So he just looked at me and said, “Should we move to having done more with my life up to this point.” Mexico? That seems like the most obvious choice.” The Now I should mention here that my husband had been calling and drive I had felt my whole life returned, and the lay-worker poster-child for the past 30 years. Every- I said, “Sure honey, let’s go!” one knew of my husband, he helped out every weekend I’m going to guess that my calling is different than at the church, always gave his Saturdays and served most peoples. I know my own mom’s calling was more wherever God needed him for his entire life. If you extreme than mine, where she saw Jesus in the clouds were to ask who painted the outside of the church, it while she was driving. God spoke clearly to her, and she was Dwight. Who put in the pews? Dwight. Who set up knew she had been called. the sound booth? Dwight. Who cleaned up whenever he could, who helped with the youth group every week- Regardless of how you receive you calling, it’s hard to end? Dwight. You name it, Dwight was involved, and shake. I have not been able to shake it since that week- for 30 years straight! end retreat and the decision my husband and I made together. It feels like a weight deep in my gut that I must DO something. Sometimes that flls me with joy, and He didn’t say: “Honey, sometimes it feels like a burden I wish I could get rid of. Regardless how I feel from one day to the next, I serve God just called me to be God because He called me; and asked me to serve Him with my life. a missionary.” No going back.
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