Page 38 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 38
37 Chapter 18 I broke up with him, but not with a smile. that?” or “I thought you knew how to play this game!” and things like that. I’m sure God arranged the whole So, here I had all this experience dating different guys, but every time something in my heart knew that they thing since He was making a point to me. Honestly, not were not the guy for me. And yet, I played with fre. a single other person said anything nice for the whole Twice dad actually moved our family to separate my rest of the game, except a man named Dwight Krauss. older sister and I from a relationship with a guy that And God helped me to take notice. was wrong for us. We actually changed homes, cities, and even countries! I can tell you now that I am very Decision #1: God initiated the timing. Let God grateful that my dad took it all so seriously. I’m VERY choose who and when! grateful and I have told him so. But, I wasn’t so grateful It was clear that God actually wanted me to choose back when he did it. Of course I thought I had the strict- which priority I was going to have! God actually est dad on the planet! wouldn’t leave me alone until I chose if I was going to Then God did His miracle. He put me together with the have a pastor or missionary, or if I was going to have a man of my dreams, a man who treats me right every day of my life! He is a man who honors me and loves You absolutely CANNOT me, and is the most perfect partner for our ministry to- gether. I have to tell you the whole story, because there leave these poor are details of how it all went down that can help those who have not yet crossed this path. If you are married adolescents all on already, please think about this whole section as your responsibility to help those children in your ministry their own while they get married correctly. You absolutely CANNOT leave these poor adolescents all on their own while they date date like crazy in our like crazy in our churches, selling their inheritances for bowls of soup. If you are going to make any soldiers churches, selling their who are higher up in God’s army, they must marry right! And that, most likely, isn’t going to happen all on inheritances for bowls their own. They need your help. LOVE at frst sight... or um... God’s timing! of soup. There I was playing volleyball at a singles event for man with godly character who would treat me right. If our church; an event where everyone is older and ready I had to only choose one, I decided to listen to what I to get married; and trying hard to fnd their husband thought God was saying to me. I chose the godly char- or wife at every gathering. When all-of-a-sudden God acter. At least I thought I had, but then I found myself grabbed me and started talking to me. Actually it felt wrestling with the decision for a month. I had always like the sky opened up and a bright light shown down wanted to be a missionary or a pastor’s wife. Why was into my eyes, but it seemed that no one else saw the God making me give that up? same light. Then another idea hit me. That night as I was trying God pointed out to me that I had been waiting and hop- to go to sleep the question for God was this; “Did you ing for some preacher or missionary husband, and what mean that you actually want me to marry Dwight? Or I really needed was a man with Godly character and real were you just using him as an example of a man with values that was living from the inside out. I asked if I godly character?” couldn’t have both and God said NO, but that I had to I am so grateful to my wonderful husband, Dwight choose a priority. (Were there really no preachers with Krauss. I truly believe I have the best husband on the Godly character at the time? I don’t know.) planet, and He knows it. Our lives are an open book, So right in the middle of this volleyball game, there good or bad, with the hopes of helping the next gen- was only one man who was saying nice things to others eration. To that end, I am going to be honest. Dwight like, “good hit,” “You’ll get it next time,” “Don’t worry wasn’t the type of guy I was looking for at the time. about it,” or “Nice one!” The rest of the people were For one, he was the sound man at church, and I had been saying mean things like “dang it!” “Why did you do looking for a preacher all along. (Although I thought I
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