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P. 42
41 Chapter 18 Dwight was planning on saying that night, but some- py with the arrangement. They were thrilled. In fact, it thing like this came out of his mouth: turned out that the whole church was thrilled. I checked with my pastor, and he was in agreement. “God, thank you so much for this time we have had together tonight. Thank you for being with us.” Then I recognized God’s approval in my own spirit. I knew there was a pause... and Dwight said to God in front that from more than a year ago, God had pointed Dwight of me, “God, I would be so honored if you would give out to me. Kristi to me as my wife.” I was in complete shock. Dwight told me later he was Decision #5: Confrm with your authorities and the wondering why I didn’t pray too, because he thought I Bible before jumping into marriage. Let GOD pick was a spiritual person. But I was a puddle on the ground who you will marry. at that point, and my mouth couldn’t even form words. I cried with joy when I knew I had my confrmations, After that prayer, we started for home, but along the and that I was certain that God himself actually wanted way we talked a little about what was ahead of us. me to marry Dwight. I was in the will of God on some- Dwight mentioned his parents were on vacation, and thing that mattered so much, and it was exhilarating. It he would like them to know about us before the whole felt like I was closer to God than I had ever been be- world knew. We settled on waiting a week to tell any- fore, and not because I was praying or reading my Bible one, so he could share with his parents frst, and I was more; but because I was obeying God in my choice for grateful for the time to pray and confrm with God that marriage. I could feel God was proud of me. Dwight was to be my husband. At this point, Dwight and I had not even held hands But the reality of the situation was that we had decided once. that very night, in the presence of God, to get married. I The rest was a whirlwind. He proposed three months had felt God’s anointing on a date, and it was so VERY later with a beautiful ring, and we set the date for three different from anything I had ever experienced before. months after that. Usually I felt God in worship. Now he was going with me on a date with Dwight. From that fateful day when Dwight told God “he would be honored if God gave me to him as his wife”, it was That week I spent some time in prayer and asked God if only six months later and we were standing at the altar Dwight was who I should marry. I went down my list of getting married. how to confrm if you have heard from God. He was 38 years old and I was 26. We would have done • Check the Bible things even faster, because we were so sure about it. But • Check with my authority (my parents and my we let some time pass for the rest of the church and our pastor) families to catch up. • Check in my spirit if this is really God. Instead of having young people as our bridesmaids and grooms men, we decided to have our parents stand be- I opened the Bible, and God sent me to read the book of side us at the wedding. Ruth. Then God gave me these verses: Several people came up to me at the reception and told “The LORD bless you, my daughter,” he replied. me that our wedding was the most anointed one they “This kindness is greater than that which you showed had ever experienced. You could feel God in that church earlier: You have not run after the younger men, that day. Everyone could feel Him. whether rich or poor. And now, my daughter, don’t be afraid. I will do for you all you ask. All the people of Let’s review the steps God took me though: my town know that you are a woman of noble char- 1. Let God start. Just WAIT till He starts the process. acter.” Ruth 3:10-11 2. Open your eyes to what really matters in your spouse. I knew that God was telling me that I had chosen well. 3. Know that God will test you. I checked with my parents to make sure they liked the idea of me marrying Dwight. I offered to break it off, 4. Obey God when He asks you to do something. and did what I could to make sure that they were hap- 5. Confrm with the Bible, your authorities, and in your
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