Page 45 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 45
Chapter 19 44 gave Dwight all the steps for the process. We would be a vision. With this debt around our necks, we couldn’t facing one week of major pain and no sleep, followed be missionaries. We told the hospital that we wanted by a month of weakness and depression, at which point to be missionaries, but of course they just wanted their it would be like someone fipped a switch and I would money. We were stuck waiting on God for a miracle. be myself again. Then about a month later I received a call from the hos- That night Dwight took me out to dinner and said, pital one day while Dwight was at work. The lady on “Honey, I have some bad news for you. The doctors put the other line said, “You know, I was driving to work you on some major medications that we now have to get you off of, and it isn’t going to be easy. I love you, and No one wants to send will be with you the whole way.” money to a missionary So we started cutting the pills in half and reducing the dosages and then set the date for when we would who is taking that money go cold-turkey. Dwight planned the whole thing, and scheduled ahead at his work to take the whole week off to pay off $70,000 to a with me. The day arrived and the pain started. I was so fdgety, hospital bill. itchy and miserable! I couldn’t sleep, not one wink. For a week, I would be awake all night long, so we rented today, and I saw a billboard that said, “Help us send a million movies. I just plowed thru them as I paced all our missionaries to Mexico” and I thought to myself... around the living room. Dwight would try to take some I can’t help those people, but I do know of some mis- cat-naps, but if ever I found myself crying too much, sionaries I can help.” he gave me permission to wake him at any time of the She got to the offce, found our paperwork and gave me night. We got some activities for me to do, but my at- a call. She offered that if I would go in there today to tention span was so small I couldn’t fnish anything I sign some papers, they would write off the whole thing! started. And that was how the whole week went. We wouldn’t have to pay any of it! I remember thinking, this would be crazy diffcult for I think God chose to test us in every way before He someone to do alone. What about those poor people sent us out. We went through the fre of my appendix who got lied to, and started taking drugs not knowing bursting, the fnances, the drugs, the business plan, my what it would do to their system? They would feel just physical pain, and the waiting. like me. I was lied to by doctors, and trusted them with what medications I should be taking. I was battling Our marriage got stronger, our resolve to become mis- withdrawal! sionaries got stronger, and our faith was built up as we saw God move. Dwight hid the medications, but there was no need. I was determined to get free, and so we fnished the hard Not everyone will need to approach death’s door before week, then the hard month of depression. Then just like they get their placement in ministry, but I can guarantee the doctor at the clinic said, at the end of 30 days, some- that everyone will go through some testing and trials one just fipped a switch and I was back! before they are released. Two weeks later I was on a mission’s trip to Mexico, We set the move date, put our little home on the market weak but able to translate. All seemed well, except that and prepared the fnal fundraising. Then the packing now we were stuck with a huge hospital bill of $70,000! started and the date got closer. Only we didn’t have all Now how do we get to Mexico as missionaries? our fundraising together and our home had not sold. It had been appraised at $10,000, so we were hoping for We talked about maybe going bankrupt, and went to our $5-6000. pastor to ask his advice. Our pastor said, “Guys, I don’t think bankruptcy is the thing for you. I think God wants We prayed about what to do, but we felt that God want- to do something special for you.” ed us to take a leap of faith. So we did our best to follow through on everything, but decided that we were leaving This was no easy thing to swallow. No one wants to send on that date, regardless of what happened. I remember money to a missionary who is taking that money to pay the packing parties and the loading party. I remember off $70,000 to a hospital bill. This was just a death of my life getting turned upside down. We were driving
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