Page 48 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 48
21 Growing pains I have been sharing with you some levels that I went couldn’t afford both tests. I knew right away God was through in my growth and training as a Christian. Some giving me an out, so that I would not be caught dis- of the levels are the same topic, only a higher course obeying Him. There was one way I could have twisted level. around the funds, ran some errands, and somehow made both tests happen. But I chose to obey God instead, and I think I will switch to the analogy of school for this one. At frst you take math 101, and you are learning not get the other test. Only one test for me that day. But basic math. The next year maybe you study algebra, it was a close call, I almost failed. then trigonometry, and then calculus, etc. There are God had already told me multiple times that HE was in many levels to math that a person can learn. So it is the charge of my life, and He wasn’t in the dark as to why same with God and His schooling. I frst had to learn I wasn’t getting pregnant. There was no need for us to sacrifce 101. But later God asked me to learn MORE take the test. Dwight and I had given our lives to God, sacrifce, and more and more, so it just felt like sacrifce and He had asked us to trust Him for HIS timing on 101, sacrifce 202, sacrifce 303 and so on. The same when or IF he would give us a family. is true about obedience or faith; there are many levels to faith. It feels great to be given a test and pass it, and The calling 202 go up to a new level of faith, but I can always know that there will be another harder faith test coming along My frst calling was to become a missionary, to serve some day. Faith 404 is coming, and there will be no way God in full-time ministry. But later, I received a more for me to understand it or pass it if I have not already specifc calling, one that got me into the ministry where passed the previous 3 faith courses. Some courses are I currently fnd myself. prerequisites, and there is no jumping ahead. As I mentioned earlier, one day I found myself typing away while cramped on a little table in the motorhome, Obedience 202 creating some children’s ministry materials. I had never considered myself a writer, but this wasn’t writing. I One time God tested me again in obedience. I was was just grabbing some verses to put with coloring pag- struggling with allergies in the Sonoran desert, and I es for a quick gift for the local churches. Then one thing was sent to a lab for some tests. The doctor found out led to another, and I decided to make them a simple that I had not been able to get pregnant, and wanted me VBS. It would just be a small lesson with a memory to take another test to see if he could fnd why. I im- verse, a coloring page and a craft for each of 5 days. mediately felt God tell me that He already knew why I No problem. This turned into “Going deeper with God” wasn’t getting pregnant. But I was tempted to slip in the a submarine themed VBS, and my very frst curricu- lab test anyway. Who would know? It would be just two lum that we printed and passed out to 30 churches in tests instead of one, so I didn’t stop the doctor when he our local area in Huatabampo, Mexico. Soon those 30 wrote down both tests on the prescription. The date for churches turned into 100 churches. the test was weeks away. Dwight and I remember fondly looking at the size of The day came and I went into the lab; and as it would what I wanted to give the churches and Dwight say- turn out, that week we were so low on funds that I ing, “But Kristi, that is going to take a whole box of 47
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