Page 51 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 51
Chapter 22 50 fcult for us as Americans to tour in Mexico, charging Growth = Pain people for products. It was no fun for me to take peo- To close this chapter on growing pains, I would like ple’s money. We had always been a ministry, and now to mention that growth always involves pain. It doesn’t people started treating us like a normal business. Then come easy, and it always seems to hurt. When I fnd we had to register our ministry as a business in Mexico myself crying, it is because I’m being stretched again. to explain and account for the money. It was months When I fnd myself challenged, I have to push through and months of paperwork to get us fully registered in and do what God is asking of me. But if I make it, I have Mexico. taken a step up God’s ladder! It took us a while to get back up to 1000 churches BUY- Now I am so used to it, that it comes natural to congrat- ING the material, but then it just kept growing. Now be- ulate someone when they are going through a painful tween the downloads and the printed materials, it looks circumstance. I still don’t enjoy it, so I have to encour- like somewhere around 20,000 churches are using our age myself as well. But I know that the pain is always material! And there is no need to cut back. The church- for my good. es in Latin America can fnd our material free online, download it and make photocopies for each kid. The Whatever you are going through, be it persecution from material available continues to be priced “at cost” and others, being kicked out of ministry, being laughed at, remains more economical than photocopies. Of course being sick, or being given a diffcult challenge: it is al- there are challenges to running a business in a foreign ways for your good. That is the blessing you get when country, but we know in our hearts it is a ministry. you sign up to be a “moving car” obeying orders from your boss, God Himself. It may hurt, but it is always for your good. Just trust Him and walk through the muck till you reach the other side. 22 Marching orders received One day Dwight and I were on a long road trip and they plummeted to the bottom. At the ground there was were having a great car visit, when God all-of-a-sud- a pile of hurt people. den opened our eyes to the importance of Children’s There were a bunch of people running around at the ministry. We were talking out some ministry plans and bottom helping all the hurt people. I saw tents set up praying together. As we were praying, God gave me a as make-shift hospitals and medical clinics. The doc- vision that I shared with Dwight. tors and nurses brought the people to these various tents I saw a huge crowd of people running down a wide where they helped them. Some had a broken leg, some street. It was similar to a large marathon with thousands needed more bandages, and some didn’t make it. and thousands of runners. Everyone was running to- God showed me that the different tents represented de- gether down the length of the street. No one seemed nominations. The doctors were pastors, and all those to notice that up ahead was a drop-off where the street helping the hurt people were those in ministry. There disappeared and there was a long fall. The people just were times where there were 3 people trying to help 1 continued to run until they reached the drop-off where hurt person, and so the different denominations were
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