Page 53 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 53
23 Faith The excitement was in the air as I packed each plate. all the way down to $35,000, and we fnally found a Piles of dishes were all over the place as well as piles taker. This morning was the fnal signing, only 3 days of newspaper for packing. The week had fnally arrived, before we were to drive away. The semi-truck had been and we were moving to Mexico City. During a tour ordered for picking us up at 8am on Saturday. Our down south a few years back with the teachers training house hadn’t grown over the years, but all the ministry conference, we had felt God leading us to leave Sonora machines had multiplied, since the print-shop had really and move down to the capital of Mexico, to better serve taken off. We needed a large truck to move us this time. this country, and be more accessible to the rest of the As I got into the car to head down to sign the papers, world. We set our move day for Saturday, January 1st, I thought to myself, “Boy, God sure cut this one close. and here it was the Wednesday before. He probably is always working on our faith.” I wished I had done a lot of packing over the past month, but now Dwight was with me, but I fgured it would go just fne. it was time to get ‘er done. Today’s task: the kitchen. God and I could handle this one. Pack the whole thing completely up, leaving absolutely When I arrived at the lawyer’s offce, they had me nothing unpacked. We were to eat sandwiches or go to waiting for a while. Then the lawyer came out and just restaurants from here until Saturday. There were some shook his head sadly. The buyer had called this morning ladies from church, helping me pack, and we were chat- to back out. I was in shock, and now I wanted Dwight tering away as we worked. badly. I walked out of that offce sort-of numb, trying Dwight was off on a trip to Guaymas to fnish up the to think of what I was going to do. Everything in me last paperwork for the business and our personal visas wanted to quit packing up my kitchen and have the la- at the immigration offce. Oh yea, and I had one errand dies go home and leave me alone. What would my hus- to run. Go sign the papers on the sale of the house. band decide to do? I really couldn’t imagine us walking away from this size of a home. If we just left it empty, The whole last few months had been a trial of faith. Sure, we had been ready to leave our home in Oregon it would be ripped apart within a week. It seemed that without it selling, but that was us maybe walking away the most likely scenario had me needing my dishes for from $5 - $8 grand. This was different. We had spent $17 grand on the land and another $25 on the house and ministry center. Our place had been evaluated this time “Boy, God sure cut this at $100,000, and we didn’t want to walk away from that. But over the year and a half we had it on the mar- one close. He probably ket, we had no buyers. is always working on Then in October, we were approached with an idea: break apart the land into small lots and sell those with our faith.” payments, separate from the home. Then lower the price on the home. It seemed like a good idea, and we set out to investigate all the legal matters. It had worked, and with much sweat we had the whole thing set up and rolling with all the lots spoken for and people paying weekly payments. Then we set the house 52
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