Page 58 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 58
25 Slavery to God I have been writing children’s ministry curriculum now dom. I was excited and thrilled! The God of the uni- for almost 9 years. Somewhere in the early years I start- verse wants me! I was honored. ed the habit of giving my work to God at the end of The new rules were easy. I was to “clock-in” every day the year. We follow the calendar year, so I am always at 9am and work till 6pm. I had my evenings off, as well wrapping up the new curriculum in December and fn- as the weekends. I should no longer ask Dwight for per- ishing details in January. Then somewhere in February mission without frst asking God. I had a new boss, God or March, I get to start all over again and begin writing himself, and He was more hands-on than I ever thought for the following year. As I handed my work to God of- He would be. He directly approved each project, and I fcially, He started to give me gifts. So, over the years, was only allowed to work on approved projects during we have developed a gift-exchange in December. I give my work hours. I felt a new freedom however, to have God my brand-new Sunday school and VBS curricu- other projects as hobbies. Everyone has hobbies and I lums, and He gives me a special word. felt God honestly gave me permission to have them too. One year God said to me, “Well done my faithful ser- Only they had to be done on the weekends or week- vant. You have been faithful with a little, I will give you nights in my free-time. more.” But then the following year at our gift-exchange, It was fun at frst. But it didn’t take long for reality to I was startled when God said, “Kristi. I would like to set in. God started to say No to projects. I had a fun hire you.” I said, “But God, I’m already a full-time mis- ministry to pastor’s wives, where I planned different sionary for you. How could I work more for you than I activities for them. I would have a women’s retreat, or already am?” So He began to show me His new plan to a “spa day,” or a ladies luncheon with a special speaker. hire me. Basically, God wanted to be in charge of my That was the frst one to go. I could hardly believe I schedule, and actually be my direct boss. wasn’t allowed that ministry. Our supporters from the You see, I had been treating my husband as if he was United States asked where the women’s ministry went. my boss. So as opportunities would come up, I would Then the pastor’s wives came up to me, asking me why I go to Dwight and ask his permission to do this-or-that wasn’t having events for them anymore! I didn’t have a project. Dwight ended up having to be the “bad-guy” great answer. I couldn’t really say, “Because God won’t to say NO to me from time to time. Of course, some- let me continue with them.” But that was the truth. times he also said YES. So as part of this new set-up, The moment the new system really hurt was my kid’s God wanted to give me the YES or NO to these proj- camp. I loved having the annual kid’s camp. The time ects. God asked me to think about what other jobs are came to start planning camp for the year, and I felt the like with other employers. So I started to think through twinge. “What? Kid’s camp isn’t going to get approved? other jobs I’d had over the years. “Well, you work 9-6 Monday through Friday.” I answered. “You do what is asked of you, and you never miss a day of work. You I could hardly believe take initiative from time to time, doing what is needed without being asked.” That was what God wanted. I wasn’t allowed that It felt like a holy moment, when God actually came to ministry. me personally and hired me for a position in His king- 57
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