Page 63 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 63
Chapter 27 62 uses them for other people’s good. Sometimes God God. He will give you a heads-up if you are going to chooses to heal me and sometimes He doesn’t. have to hang in there for the long haul, or if you will be healed. Remember that this body is just a tool while So next time you are sick; don’t assume that God is go- ing to heal you. Also, don’t assume that everything the here on earth. Eternity is what matters. doctor says is true. Maybe you should actually ASK 27 Which ladder? Do you recall the story where my friend was chosen to climbing the Christian community ladder or the world’s do the children’s ministry for a large event for her de- ladder to save my sister and I from wrecking our lives. nomination? She chose to spend the weekend teaching He paid a heavy price that most fathers are not willing the kids songs and she had them perform on the last day to pay. Others would have looked at his life and ques- of the event. Then the leader of the denomination went tioned his stability. Why was he moving back and forth? up to her and thanked her for her work and told her he In my dad’s case, he never really liked the politics in would keep her in mind for future projects in the de- our churches anyway. But regardless, he took some nomination. That last sentence shows that she climbed steps down on the Christian community ladder in order the Christian community ladder with her actions. I think to help my sister and I stay on the right ladder: God’s she would have chosen better to climb God’s ladder by ladder. In moving around, I can imagine he also took focusing on actually ministering to the children. She some steps down on the world’s ladder. His job resume could have taught them something like prayer or Bible wouldn’t look as good since he wasn’t staying put in memory with games. Most likely, she didn’t climb the one place for very long over those years. But he took world’s ladder with that event. To have climbed the some steps up on God’s ladder, because obviously God world’s ladder, she would have had to spend the week- would have seen his sacrifce, and seen his priorities. end covering “Values” and taken some pictures. Then I’m sure God was pleased with him for his choices. she could have put the pictures and the fact that she -1 Worlds ladder was responsible for the event on her resume, and then it -1 Christian community ladder would have helped her with the world’s ladder. +1 God’s ladder 0 Worlds ladder +1 Christian community ladder Part of my life story is the fact that my husband and I -1 God’s ladder became missionaries. It took years to raise the support and to be able to leave our country and move to another I mentioned to you that my dad chose to actually move country to serve God full-time. We had testing in every my family from Mexico to the United States, and once way before we left. We left money behind, and we miss from the United States to Mexico to keep my older sis- our family terribly, and we miss our culture. I miss the ter and me from marrying wrong. Yes, twice I might food my grandmothers made, food that I can’t make in have married the wrong person. What a sad thought! Mexico because they don’t carry the same food sup- The decision my dad made was to hurt his chances in plies. Nothing about being a missionary is easy. But it
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