Page 66 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 66
65 Chapter 28 The principles in this book can apply to any ministry in Now think about an upcoming decision you are facing. the church, but God has put on my heart to ask people to Write down below what action you should take for each really consider treating children’s ministry as an impor- of the ladders. It helps a lot to think thru a specifc situ- tant part of the church. Please join me in this war effort ation and defne what action you would take for each for the next generation! ladder. The reason it’s good to write down action for all 3 ladders is because it helps you see where you might Step 4 accidentally be choosing the world’s ladder. Once you label the actions for each ladder, choose which one you Are you willing to take Children’s ministry seriously? want to take! Remember that coloring pages are not going to make life changes. Ask God to be in charge of your ministry and ask Him to help you with it each week. This is a The world’s ladder: decision to take your class seriously, and work at pre- paring spiritual content each week. Start by repenting to God for the times you didn’t take it seriously, and left the kids to play or do nothing during your class. Next, The Christian community ladder: make the decision to change. Sign on the dotted line if you are willing to 1: let God be in charge of your class and 2: work at preparing each week ahead of time. God’s ladder: Step 5 Step 7 Purpose to live only one life instead of the normal dou- ble-life. This means that if the students in your chil- Go through and review your basic decisions. dren’s ministry class fnd you at the local grocery store, 1. Are you saved? they will see and hear you exactly the way you behave at church. Ask God to open your eyes to where you have 2. Are you willing to make the commitment to AL- double standards. When He shows them to you, change WAYS say “yes” to God? them! Help your students learn more about who you re- Yes / NO ally are by inviting them to your home for a pizza party. If you are willing, sign on the dotted line. 3. Get into the Bible! What plan for reading/memoriz- ing the Bible do you have for this year? Take out your calendar and choose a date for your pizza 4. Marriage. If you are not already married, are you party! :-) Write the date down below. willing to wait for God’s selection for you? Yes / NO If you are already married, what actions are you tak- Step 6 ing to keep your marriage healthy? Write them down Think of the last larger decision you made. Now think below. about the world’s ladder, the Christian community lad- der and God’s ladder. Which ladder did you choose on your last decision? o The world’s ladder o The Christian community ladder o God’s ladder
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