Page 68 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 68
67 Chapter 28 o Patience- I do not have to yell or complain to others church, and for how many years. (If you have served in when things do not go my way. I can wait for those multiple areas in the church, write each one down.) who are slower than me. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Step 10 Number of years: Are you willing to sacrifce for God? It’s nice to let Him know. Then sign on the dotted line. Yes / NO Number of years: Step 11 Number of years: How good are you at recognizing God’s voice? If you are not in the habit of receiving specifc direction from God for your choices, start now with these steps. Choose an upcoming decision and ask God to inform Number of years: you what He wants you to do. Then open your Bible and read. Wait until a verse pops out as though it is on fre. Ask God what He means by that verse and what He wants you to do. Then obey! Repeat. Number of years: Sign when you have received 3 specifc words from God. Step 14: A good marriage! MARRIED: If you are married, take a moment to rec- ognize that the enemy will try to divide you from your Step 12 spouse in order to take you out of ministry. Recognize the importance of working on your marriage to keep it Ask God to use you for His kingdom (If you haven’t al- healthy. It doesn’t even matter if your spouse is saved ready.) Take some time, go somewhere special to pray, or not. You made the decision to marry that person, and get on your knees, and offcially offer yourself to God God wants you to stay married. DON’T allow the ene- in service. Be willing to do whatever He wants you to my to divide you! Take a moment to dedicate your mar- do. Then just wait. Sign on the dotted line when you riage to God and re-commit yourself to your spouse. have done it. Once you have done so, sign on the dotted line. Step 13 NOT MARRIED: If you are not yet married, make (or Start serving! Make sure you are actively involved renew) the decision to let God choose who your life- “picking up a broom” at your local church. You can of- partner will be. Take a moment to give your future mar- fer to clean, greet people, cook food, or any other min- riage to God. Make the decisions below, and then sign istry “behind the scenes”. It’s not about people seeing on the dotted line. you; it’s about God seeing you. Then just keep serving Are you willing to let God initiate the timing for your for years. Don’t worry about moving up the Christian marriage? community ladder. God is watching and will move you up in His timing. Be faithful in the little things. Write Yes / NO down below what area you have been serving in the
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