Page 64 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 64
63 Chapter 27 did give us several steps up the ladder. We made it up Do you remember the pastor I told you who had an af- Gods ladder because He was the one who asked us to fair? Well, the truth is that he had an affair, but repented move to Mexico in the frst place. And so in obedience and the church restored him to ministry. Years later all- to Him, and through all the sacrifce, we took more than of-a-sudden he quit pastoring the church, and decided one step up God’s ladder. But Dwight and I also both to divorce his wife. He left the church completely. I took steps up the world ladder. Dwight had been work- do not know what happened after that frst affair, but ing as an aircraft engineer at a specifc airline company. it would seem that he took more steps down Gods lad- Since he left his job and we moved to another country, der than he did the church’s. Obviously there was still they have asked him to “consult”. Now they feel like a problem since he ended up in the same place again they are bringing in an important “consultant” from years later. Only the second time, he didn’t want to play another country to help on their project from time to the church politics game anymore. I don’t know where time. So in the world’s view, Dwight went up a couple he was on God’s ladder, but of course he took some of steps. steps down it too. God isn’t going to laugh at a second affair and then divorcing your wife. But when it comes My frst job was in a fast-food restaurant. Then I worked as a waitress, and then I worked in a small offce. Then to someone getting a divorce, it seems that both sides one year I was hired by the church as the assistant to the fght to keep their standing in the community; so much children’s pastor, and then fnally I was promoted to the that it is hard to really see where anyone’s hearts are. children’s pastor. (Only they called me the “director” Thankfully, we are not responsible for justice. We can since I was a woman.) And so when Dwight and I were trust that God knows where their hearts are, and will sent out as missionaries, I too went up a couple of steps bring each person to justice someday. in the world’s ladder. At frst I was a missionary, whom As I mentioned earlier, there are multiple ladders to the world doesn’t recognize too much, but soon I started climb. There is the world’s ladder, the Christian com- speaking and writing curriculum. Now all of a sudden I munity ladder, and then God’s ladder. If you are going was a writer and a speaker, which was higher yet up the to become a 5-star general in God’s army, you must not world’s ladder. be on the wrong ladder. And so, we all must push our- selves to see God’s ladder and focus on climbing it over Of course both Dwight and I went up the Christian community ladder too when we became missionaries. the other two ladders. This takes practice and training. We were now on a pastoral level, and our church gave There is no other way to see what is normally invis- us the opportunity to speak when we went home on va- ible. cation. And so you can see with this one move we went We all must push up all three ladders. It also shows that God’s ladder isn’t always opposite from the world’s ladder. Sometimes ourselves to see God’s they overlap. +2 Worlds ladder ladder and focus on +2 Christian community ladder +2 God’s ladder climbing it over the other two ladders.
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