Page 67 - RiseUpWarrior
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Chapter 28 66 5. Are you willing to take initiative and do things for o I see problem areas and know how to catch someone God that you know he wants without Him having in that problem “red-handed.” (Almost no one takes to ask? (This one I recommend you think about and correction without proof of some-sort.) come back in a couple of days to fnish flling this o I can see how to place different members of a team in out.) When you decide yes, sign on the dotted line. the right jobs, based on their skill-set. Yes / NO Sign on the dotted line if you are willing to go back and get the skills you are missing! (God knows if you sign here and will soon fnd a way to help you get these basic Are you willing to let God run your life? This means you let go of the steering wheel, and let God have it. life skills.) No back-seat driving! :-) Yes / NO Step 9 6. Are you caught up-to-date in repentance? I believe How are you doing in the area of basic character quali- that repentance is an on-going practice for Christians. ties or “values”? Rate yourself on each value, quickly God doesn’t dump on us all our faults the minute we judging if you have 0 or none, or you are a perfect 10. get saved. He turns up the heat from time to time and Remember that this is the foundation for your future removes the dross. (ouch!) successes and it VERY important. If you build a min- istry without a foundation, there is a high likelihood of Step 8: Life class 101. falling and failing later. o Integrity – I never steal, firt with others sexually, or Have you learned yet the basic skills from having a fast- scam others for their love or money. food job? Check off the skills you already have, and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 then take a look at ones you might be missing. o Honesty – I never lie, or miss-represent the truth. o I know how to obey my boss at work. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 o I know customer service; how to treat someone who is wrong as though they are right. o Faithfulness- I never quit projects, but always fnish what I start. When I sign up for a weekly commit- o I know how to respond to an angry person (without ment, I don’t miss a week unless there is a REAL getting angry back or lashing out at them.) emergency. o I know how to NOT be a “tattle tale”. I don’t sneak 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 around for information on others and then use it against them. o Giving – I am generous with others fnancially, and tithe to my local church. I don’t give in front of oth- o I know how to listen to others when they are talk- ers to be seen, or make a big deal about it when I ing. give. o I do NOT act like a “know-it-all”, but I listen when 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 someone is trying to teach me something. I have a “teachable” attitude. o Humility- I do not brag about my accomplishments to others, and I share my mistakes openly. (It’s diff- o I can be corrected without reacting with tears or an- cult to judge one’s own humility, but it’s an important ger. value to have, so it’s worth the effort of evaluating.) o I know how to fnd work to do, even when no one 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 assigns me something. o Kindness- I am kind to those less fortunate than me, o I know how to see different skills in other people. even when no one is looking. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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