Page 56 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 56
24 Politics We live in a world of politics and games. Life is never I have seen that same look on people’s faces. When as easy as it should be. Humanity gets in the way. someone tells a lie about you to someone in authority at your church, and next thing you know, everyone be- There is good news though. These politics don’t get in- volved with God’s ladder and the climb to becoming a lieves it! Soon, you are several steps down the Christian 5-star General. Do you know why? It is because there community ladder. How about when someone steals is nothing anyone can do to take away what you have your ideas at work, and they take the promotion, when earned on God’s ladder. it should have been yours. People can steal, cheat and lie to get up the world’s ladder or the Christian commu- However going up the world’s ladder and the Christian nity ladder. People will step on you to move up. That’s community ladder are not as secure. just humanity. This doesn’t mean that you cannot wreck your own I’m not trying to bash the church. I love the Body of chances. You could marry wrong and go down God’s Christ, and I have been serving it for years. I just have ladder and of course you can commit one of the larger noticed that many people confuse the church’s ladder sins that have long-term consequences. You can also get with God’s ladder, and they are just not the same. The stuck on the same step of Gods ladder by refusing to church is full of humans who make mistakes. We try not say YES to God when he brings you new challenges. to, but inevitably, politics plays a game in church. God’s I’ve seen many people just sitting on the same step of ladder is the real ladder, and there is no pushing or pull- the ladder as if they have no care in the world. But that ing to take steps up or pull another person down. would be YOU getting stuck or losing what you have earned, not someone taking it away from you. This doesn’t mean that every step you take on God’s ladder is secure. You can go down God’s ladder, but Since Dwight and I moved to Mexico City, we have been only when you do it to yourself. This should be com- robbed quite a few times. I guess this area is known for forting. It means that you never have to have that awful theft, and so we are slowly getting used to it. My cell feeling of being robbed. When you climb God’s lad- phone was taken on the street once. The print shop and der, you never have to feel defenseless and exposed, or offce was broken into and we lost a lot of equipment. weak and vulnerable. God is in control and will bring That time the thieves almost took the server with all of everyone to justice in the end. my past curriculums on it! We had a back-up, but I still would have lost a lot of work. I’m pretty sure God put The other side of the coin is the importance of recogniz- a couple of angels on His curriculum. I’ve lost more ing the difference between God’s ladder and the Chris- than 4 laptops. Now we buy cheaper ones, since they tian community ladder in others around you. don’t last very long anyway. :-) But this year, our house I know personally of two stories of very charismatic was broken into while Dwight and I were in it. When pastors who fell into sin. One was in the United States we woke up and went downstairs one morning, it was and one was in Mexico. One of the pastors was winning a strange feeling to look around and see things miss- the hearts of the people while his church grew in size, ing. It was crazy to know that someone actually came all the while he was sleeping with his own daughter, into my home and took my things while I was upstairs making her pregnant. When the church leaders found sleeping. I felt defenseless and exposed. I felt weak and out, they didn’t want anyone to know, and they hid the vulnerable. 55
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