Page 54 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 54
Chapter 23 a while longer. What a pain it would be if I fnished my The next afternoon, as we were trying to call people to task for the day and actually packed it all away. How it fnd someone to live in our home for free, along came would hurt to be digging out kitchen items one at a time a man on a horse. He was the guy who had bought the as we needed them. It would be a reminder that God had most lots, right next to the house. He informed us that not given us the miracle sale in the end. he was interested in buying the house! Two hours later, another lady showed who wanted the house, and she I cried as I drove home, and struggled with what to do. Then I felt God telling me to press on and pack it up. wanted it badly! Then two hours later, while the lady was still there, a couple arrived who were acting like I struggled all the way home with the decision, but as I they wanted the house. (Turns out they were not that pulled up, I decided to just obey God and let Him fgure interested, but God had sent them along to put pressure it all out. I decided before I climbed out of the car that I on the other two buyers.) The horse guy came back, and would not tell the ladies that the sale had fallen through, without our planning it, two days before our move date, and that I would put on some worship music and fnish there were three buyers all at the house at the same time! packing my kitchen all the way to the end, just like I had planned for the day. They started fghting over who would get the house, and one at a time, they started offering us more money. Nothing got easier as the day wore on. I was determined The horse guy and the lady both begged us to not let to press on, but it felt like walking to school uphill in the price go up, but to honor an earlier offer with them. the snow in my bare feet (both ways of course.) I re- call thinking that this was actually my toughest faith I stood in front of this group of people and said, “I un- assignment I had ever had. Every minute was hard. My derstand this is not normal, but this is God’s property. husband was gone, the sale fell-through, and Dwight God is the one who is moving us down to Mexico City doesn’t yet know. God is asking me to go ahead and where the land will cost us more than this land with all the buildings on it. I have no choice but to accept the Everything in me highest bidder. We need all the money we can get to purchase another place down near Mexico City where wanted to quit packing everything is more expensive.” They all sighed in grief and then started bidding (in- up my kitchen and have cluding the third couple that wasn’t as interested). That morning we had been willing to accept $30,000 and the ladies go home and they knew it. By the time the bidding was done, the horse guy won at $45,000! leave me alone. We set a time the next day to go sign papers. The pa- pers were all ready; it was just a matter of changing the buyer’s name, and the total amount he would be paying. pack my whole kitchen up so eating will be diffcult. I was pretty sure we would not be walking away from Dwight and I walked back into our home in complete this home, so we would want to eat. Thankfully at some shock. What a test of faith God had just put us through! point the ladies went home, and I was alone. Now it was 2 days before leaving, and we had another buyer for half again as much! We continued the fnal Dwight arrived and I flled him in. Then began one of packing, and prepped the car for the trip. The next day Dwight’s largest faith tests. Should he call and cancel Dwight and I went down together and signed the pa- the moving truck, or stay the course, and walk away pers, receiving the horse guy’s down-payment in cash. from this home. He went into the bedroom to pray and make his decision. I decided to leave him alone to strug- It was done. gle it out. The next morning the truck arrived at 6am instead of 8am, and the whirlwind began of loading everything He came out and said we were staying the course. The into the truck. The horse guy came over and we talked move was still on for Saturday. We would just have to fnal details, showing him how the pump worked, and try to fnd someone to live in our home until it sold, so that it didn’t get torn down. I breathed a sigh of relief giving him a few extra furnishings. that I had managed to fnish packing the kitchen. Then we climbed into our van and trailer, loaded our two cats into their cage that would be their home away 53 from home, and drove off the land that had been our
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