Page 44 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 44
43 Chapter 19 were going to support the local pastors in their minis- back out my mouth. So we sustained me on “Ensure” tries to the people. Everything from pastor’s conferenc- liquid protein drink so that I could have at least a little es to ladies retreats, family movie nights to children’s bit of strength. I could eat no solid food. ministry. We drew up some plans for a large ministry People from church brought over meals, and family center that would meet all sorts of needs for pastors, in- members helped Dwight clean the house, while I sat, cluding printing needs, music recording, and more! The stuck in a chair every day. At this point I had to learn thing would have probably taken millions of dollars to how to walk again. I don’t know how that works, when build. We didn’t work out that part. you have been a normal walking-human for 28 years, Our supporters who knew anything about business then in a matter of a few months, you can’t walk at all, thought we were a little crazy with this huge dream. and it feels like you have to start from scratch! But they decided to support us based on who we were, Slowly I got better, but it was a Christmas to remem- and the service we had done in the church for the past ber. Dwight took me to Walmart in a wheelchair and we 30 years. bought all the presents for both our families in only one Basically it took a full year for Dwight and I to come hour, because that was all the strength I had. together on what our ministry would look like, all the Then in March it seemed like I was getting stronger, while we were trying to raise our fnancial support. and able to eat solid foods, when we went in to the hos- Then one fall day, the bomb hit. All of a sudden I pital for a medication refll. They didn’t want to refll wasn’t feeling so good, and it got worse and worse until the medications. Dwight took me to the emergency room. They couldn’t Once again our world came crashing down when we fnd anything, but admitted me anyway, because of the realized that they had put me on some strong meds that amount of pain I was in. Three days later, while I was in would not be easy to drop. They reflled us that day, but the hospital, my appendix burst. had no help for how we would reduce the dosage and They rushed me immediately into surgery, where they fnally get off those medications. Dwight was frustrated had to take out all my insides, put them on a table to the with the doctor and asked, “What were you planning to side of my body, and hose out all the exploded infec- do when she got better?” The doctor responded, “To be tious waste. The doctor said I almost died on the table. honest, we usually only use those medications on that But of course, God was totally in control, and I believe dosage for terminal patients.” They originally didn’t He was using this to test us to a new level. think I would make it, and were just trying to keep me comfortable! They put me into intensive care, then long-term care; because they had to leave me open to let the infection So Dwight started researching the medications and out as I healed slowly from the inside out. My husband looking up how to get me off of them. He found a was stretched HARD as he saw his wife doped up on drug rehab clinic and made a phone call. The guy on morphine and OxyCodone, barely able to do anything the phone told my husband that it was potentially pos- but cry as I lay there day after day. I’m so thankful to sible to get me off by himself; but that he should take everyone who helped us through that time. I had visi- it very seriously. And if he couldn’t get me off on his tors every day from church and from my and Dwight’s own, he should bring me into a rehab center. The man family. I was stuck in that hospital for thanksgiving, and the hospital tried to make something for us to eat The doctor responded, that passed as turkey and stuffng. I had fowers and stuffed animals, and people would bring in their laptop “To be honest, we and watch a movie with me. Much of this time was very fuzzy for me, since I was on a lot of medication, which usually only use those the doctors never even asked us permission to put me on! medications on that Eventually they sent me home, still with my wound open, and instructions on daily care of the opening in dosage for terminal my stomach. Since my intestines had gotten all moved around, nothing seemed to work. For two whole months, patients.” I couldn’t eat anything solid without it coming fying
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