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39 Chapter 18 when I started firting with him. the next day; he quit calling and asking me on dates: cold-turkey. Our relationship was over with no expla- Not long later, he asked me out on a date. Then anoth- er date and we started hanging out together more and nation, but it was obvious. He dumped me when I went more. Turns out he was a lot of fun to be with and I was forward for that mission’s altar call. thrilled that God had pointed him out to me. Then one He was a guy who took these things very seriously. He Sunday we sat together for church in the morning, then knew that I had a call on my life, and he became afraid went to lunch together, hung out downtown, and fnally of interfering. went back to church for the evening service together. To our surprise, there was a missionary speaking that Decision #3: God will test you. Choose God over night. your man or woman every time. There Dwight and I sat together in church, listening to Five months went by and I never saw him, and we were a compelling missions story, and of course at the end; going to the same church! You see, there were two ser- the man gave a fabulous altar call for people interested vices, and with around 1200 people in the crowd, it was in missions. God tugged on my heart. Now you see; I pretty easy for him to dodge me. was concerned that Dwight wouldn’t be interested in becoming a missionary. I had felt ok dating him because One day I was at a friend’s house, and they asked me God, Himself, was the One who pointed him out to me. why I never dated. I tried to pretend that I do date peo- But there I was with a major problem. ple, but really it had only been one, Dwight, 5 months ago. They pushed me to fnd out who I had dated, so I I told God that this wasn’t the best timing for me to go told them it was Dwight Krauss. forward at the altar call. Not to mention, I had already gone forward multiple times for missions altar calls, and At this they started screaming and jumping around. “What had happened? You guys would be great! I have But if you choose to hear this story! What is going on now?” someone with godly I backed up and told them the whole story, and they pro- ceeded to chew me out. “Kristi, you can’t leave things character, they WILL like that! You actually never talked with him about mis- sions? Do you even know for sure that he isn’t willing HAVE an awesome to be a missionary?” Well, I wasn’t about to try to chase the man again. He ministry, because they was doing such a great job of avoiding me. will have a foundation That night in my bed, I felt God nagging me with the same questions. So I said to God, “Look, if you want to work with. me to talk to Dwight and clear things up, you are going to have to bring him to me. I’m not chasing that guy down again to be humiliated. He obviously isn’t inter- offered myself to His service in missions. God already ested in me anymore.” knew that I was willing and wanted to be a missionary. Naturally, God was up to something. The very next day So there I sat, literally begging God to not make me Dwight showed up at my uncle’s house at the same time walk forward in front of Dwight. I was there with a gathering of ladies. He walked in the Do you want to know what God replied? “Choose then, door and saw all those women, and hurried downstairs my daughter, him or ME.” Cold and straight, just like to fnd my uncle. that. Immediately, God started pushing on me. God said to I immediately knew I had no choice, so I walked for- me, “Ok Kristi, I brought Dwight to you, now you go ward and knelt at the altar. “God, as you already know, I offer myself to you for missions, again. If that means Choose then, my I cannot have Dwight, so be it. I’m all in.” Dwight stayed in his seat. That night we were cordial, daughter, him or ME. but I knew something was wrong. But the proof came
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