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29 Chapter 14 can see other Christians making decisions all the time This is a hard lesson, to actually ask His permission to without letting God in on the process, let alone allowing do something before you do it; even if you are an adult Him to have veto power. and used to doing things your own way. 14 Your ministry starts! While all this training is going on in our hearts, we also while, a dog wandered up too. But then in the middle need training in ministry. These can happen simulta- of his sermon, the guy wandered away, and he was left neously, or it may take some time before you have an preaching to the dog. He kept going, but then the dog opening to serve in a ministry. wandered away too! He thought to himself, someone out there could be listening, so I’m going to fnish any- Your frst ministry will be a small one. And just like in any army, you must prove yourself faithful with the way. small things, before God will give you bigger things. I love his story because it is a great example of just how small your frst ministry can be. You could end up with I started in ministry when I was 14 years old. They gave me the kindergarten class at church, and that was my a whole sound system set up and only be preaching to big beginning. Not a fabulous start, just a small room a dog! with a few little ones in it to watch over. Don’t worry though, my dad kept going and he ended up preaching literally thousands of times to crowds of Small beginnings can happen when you are young, but also when you enter different levels of ministry. My dad, hundreds of people all over the state of Sonora, Mexico. for example, had been doing ministry for years when he And you don’t have to worry about your ministry ei- got the opportunity to start a new mission in Mexico, ther. and he started doing evangelism on the streets in small Everybody starts small, and that’s on the ladder to hav- towns in Sonora. For his frst ever street evangelism ing a larger ministry! Just be faithful with the small outreach in Mexico, he worked hard to prep for it and things and let God work on training you and preparing got everything ready including practicing his Spanish. you for the larger things. He chose the frst town to go to and chose just the right “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been street corner. He got out all the gear and set everything faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of up. He made announcements with a microphone that many things. Come and share your master’s happi- a church service and outreach was about to start and ness!” hoped for some people to arrive. After waiting a while, Mathew 25:21 only one guy wandered up to him. He waited a while, but it became apparent that he would just have to start. So he played his guitar and sang to the guy for a while and then started preaching. After a
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