Page 26 - RiseUpWarrior
P. 26
25 Chapter 10 This is the time when we need to obey God even when centrate on the marriage and not participate in any min- it doesn’t feel like fun. Sometimes months or years go istry. It was a hard year, getting to know Dwight more by and you hear nothing from God, but you have to still personally, and not being allowed to serve at all ANY- obey what you last heard Him say to you. This can be WHERE! It felt weird and boring to not be teaching a diffcult, but it is an important part of your training. No- class somewhere, but I obeyed and I’m sure it helped body needs soldiers who cannot follow orders, or who the foundation of our marriage. I’m just guessing here, need their hands held all the way to the front line. God giggle, that God knew what He was doing. trains us to go thru dark times so that we are ready for After your different valley times, you come out the the war ahead. God needs soldiers who are going to stay other side stronger and wiser. If you kept the faith, and faithful for the long haul, whether they feel like it or didn’t give up, you are ready to continue your training. not. You took a step up the ladder. One time I tried to switch churches in my efforts to If God has given you a task to obey, and you obey it; chase Dwight Krauss as my husband. (I’ll tell you more you also continue to move up. If you do not pass the about my awesome husband up ahead!) test, and you are still committed to obeying His instruc- I tried to get involved in his church, sing in the choir tions, then thankfully, God comes up with another ver- or participate in the children’s ministry. At every turn, I sion of the same test. You just have to take it again till was blocked, and in the end I wasn’t accepted into any you obey. of the departments! Of course it seems obvious now that As I mentioned earlier, Christians who are “non-mov- it wasn’t time yet for me to get together with Dwight, ing-cars” seem to get away with a lack of obedience. and God wanted me back at my original church, the 1st But honestly I would guess that it is temporary, and that Congregational church. they will be held accountable for their disobedience to For this example, I didn’t even know that I had dis- the Lord when they get to heaven. So don’t be jealous obeyed, or forgotten to ask God where He wanted me! of them or try to copy them. It was just so diffcult to be blocked from ministry, after Stick with obedience. It hurts, but it is the only way. having participated at my church for so many years, that I gave up and went back to my church. I continued on the worship team and children’s ministry there. It was I didn’t even know that a time when I didn’t feel like God was speaking to me. Doors were just being closed to me. That was how He I had disobeyed, or communicated during this time, by opening and closing doors. forgotten to ask God Another one of my valley times happened after Dwight and I got married. God asked me to spend a year to con- where He wanted me!
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