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15 Chapter 5 When I was 18 years old, my parents decided to enroll outpost. our family in ATIA, a Christian school program by Bill If we want the children in our ministries to be “mov- Gothard. We were only in it for a few years, but during ing cars”, it is of the utmost importance that they let those years, I had to memorize more Bible. Also, my God choose their life-partner. This is no small task, but dad assigned me the job of the “Faith Journal” a part of I know you are up for the challenge. their program where I had to read the entire Bible and write up insights to each book. I was also assigned to memorize whole chapters of Scripture, as well as vers- Initiative es, which added to my Biblical foundation. I believe God is looking for people with initiative. There Later at 24 I went to Bible school, but to be honest with is something about a soldier who runs two miles when you, I learned more theory there than Bible. told to run one, or who studies in his free time, or who chooses to be mentored by someone much farther up Of course I still read my Bible, but the reality is that a than him. I believe that God likes initiative in us too. foundation was laid in my life by Christian kid’s camp, Teen missions, and ATIA. This foundation gave me Early in life, I made a decision to push and show initia- verses and verses and verses memorized and is price- tive with God. I wanted to show God that He could not less to me. God still uses those same verses to talk to only trust me to do what He asked, but that I would go me, give me answers to my questions, and lead me in the extra mile for Him. This at times felt totally crazy. the direction He wants me to go. I would fnd myself feeling comfortable with life, so I would tell God I was ready for Him to give me more, and it would feel like immediately everything would Marriage fall apart. I would realize that I was the one who prayed For a select few, they will be asked to give up the joy of for it and brought the pain on myself! I would wish I marriage. But for most of the rest of us, the decision on had not done it, because the stretching really did hurt who you marry is the second biggest decision you will very badly. (Have you ever asked God to teach you pa- EVER make; only after the decision to get saved. tience?) I don’t recommend that you stop reading and make this decision right now. Maybe you should read When you join yourself together with someone else, you will join them on this spiritual ladder journey, so the rest of the book and see if you want to actually be a you end up joining with them on the same level they are General in Gods army frst. If I can convince you by the on. So if you marry someone who is 4 steps behind you, end, then go for this one too. I do highly recommend it, you will jump backward. If you marry someone who is just not blindly. not interested at all in participating in God’s army, your chances will disappear for this journey. And of course Let God run your life if you join with someone ahead of you, you will jump This is the part where you tell God you belong to Him, ahead. And sadly, if you marry a “parked car” you will and you want Him to run your life. At this point we need get parked. to hand the reins of our life over to God. That means This is why I have chosen to put marriage into the ba- you no longer get to make the decisions. You belong to sic decision category. If you want to climb this ladder, someone else. You signed on the dotted line. You joined you must make the decision to WAIT on God for His the army, and at this point turning back means desert- marriage choice for you. If you are already married and ing. reading this, please remember that God is full of grace There actually are many Christians out there who sign and can do miracles. But also please remember that I up, get saved, but then do nothing further. They are am talking about raising up the next generation of sol- those parked cars that stay baby Christians. How can diers for Christ. We must train our children to wait on you tell if someone is a baby Christian? It’s easy, by God for their life partner. their actions. This is one area where you will see Christians all over “By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people the place getting married to whomever they want. They pick grapes from thornbushes, or fgs from thistles? are parked cars getting married to other parked cars. Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad If God is going to send you off to the far outpost, he tree bears bad fruit.” will pair you with another who is suited for that same Mathew 7:16-17
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